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  • Pre-Service Teacher Workshop

    Our workshop is free and open to any university student, particularly those who are planning on going into the classroom. Hear from faculty, educators, and a Holocaust Survivor to learn more about this important period in history.  –  September 12, 2024

  • Kristallnacht Commememoration

    On November 10, 2024, the Museum of History and Holocaust Education and Eternal Life Hemshech will be co-hosting a free film screening and speaker at Tara Theaters to commemorate the 86th anniversary of Kristallnacht.  –  September 11, 2024

  • Jewish Disability Awareness, Acceptance & Inclusion Month

    February 2024 is Jewish Disability Awareness, Acceptance, and Inclusion Month.  –  February 15, 2024

  • Storytelling Symposium

    Symposium Date: April 20, 2024. Registration open through March 23.  –  February 08, 2024