Code of Conduct: On-Campus Housing Property

What Happens If I'm Accused of Violating the Code of Conduct In On-Campus Housing Property / Violation of Disciplinary Rules on Residence Hall Property?

An incident report will be submitted and reviewed by a Housing and Residence Life Professional staff member. They will coordinate this review with the Department of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity (SCAI) as necessary. Most often, an incident report will be processed and heard by either the Area Coordinators, Resident Directors, or Associate Director of Housing and Residence Life. Should a possible outcome of an incident report be Housing Suspension, University Suspension or Expulsion, a SCAI staff member will process the report. A student鈥檚 prior conduct history, and the severity of the violation(s) will be taken into consideration when making a preliminary outcome determination.

For incidents that will NOT result in University Suspension or Expulsion, please refer to this flowchart for more information.

For incidents that MAY result in University Suspension or Expulsion, please refer to this flowchart for more information

All incident reports will be handled in accordance with section II of the SCAI Misconduct Resolution Procedures.