About Beta Upsilon Chi

Beta Upsilon Chi was formed at The University of Texas at Austin in the spring of 1985 by a handful of Christian men who desired an alternative to the present fraternal lifestyle. It was the vision of the founding fathers to have a fraternity of committed Christian men, based on the unique brotherhood that a Christian atmosphere affords, for the purpose of fellowship and glorification of Jesus Christ. Through such events as parties, service projects, and evangelical outreaches, the charter members of Beta Upsilon Chi chose to unite in fellowship and glorify Jesus Christ on the University of Texas campus. After beginning at the University of Texas, the vision of Brothers Under Christ has spread to dozens of campuses and thousands of members across the country

Founding Verse - 鈥淏ehold how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!鈥 鈥 Psalm 133:1

  • Colors: Purple and White
  • National Founding Date: Spring of 1985
  • Chapter Founding Date: Spring of 2022
  • National website:
  • Chapter Social Media: @ksubyx
Beta Upsilon Chi crest.