OwlSwap primarily focuses on textile and clothing sustainability; clothing is one of the most polluting and resource-intensive industrial processes, directly impacting the health and livelihood of people and our planet.

If you want to change the world, there's no better place to start than with the clothes on your back and the shoes on your feet.

Elizabeth L. Cline

For something we all wear every day, it is funny that we don't think about where our clothing comes from. We make conscious choices about what classes we take, and what we eat-- so why not do that with our clothing? 

Clothing production is one of the most polluting, resource-intensive industrial processes on the planet. Our clothing purchases result in human rights violations, economic damage, and environmental harm. OwlSwap is dedicated to providing information on the environmental, economic, and social impact of the garment industry. Your purchases directly affect the people and our planet. Find out more below:

  • The clothing industry is the 2nd largest producer of carbon emissions, producing 8-10% of global greenhouse gases . This is more than all international flights and maritime shipping combined. .
  • 1/5th of the world鈥檚 industrial water pollution comes from clothing production. .
  • Approximately 8,000 chemicals are used to produce textiles. 
  • Garment workers face dangerous working conditions including poverty wages, long hours, forced overtime, unsafe working conditions, sexual, physical, and verbal abuse .
  • Labor is less than 4% of the retail price of clothing For garment works to earn a living wage it would cost as little 1% more per garment .
  • 80% of garment workers are women aged 18-25 years old .
  • The average person buys 60% more items of clothing and keeps them for about half as long as 15 years ago .
  • Within the same year of production over half of all clothing produced ends up landfill (McKinsey, 2016) at an estimated 500 billion dollars value .
  • Only 10% of donations to charities are resold . Over 70% of second-hand clothing is shipped to Africa and destroy the local textile industry .

Organizations for Change

  • A world-leading source of trusted brand ratings, articles, and guides on ethical and sustainable fashion. Their easily accessible website and phone application provides ratings on how sustainable and ethical brands are.

  • A nonprofit organization working towards making fashion a force for good- They work to expose the environmental disservice and violation of human rights within the fashion industry. 

  • The largest global network of labour unions and non-governmental organizations- They focus on empowering individuals and improving working conditions within the garment industry.

  • A non-profit organization that works to improve conditions and empower workers in the global garment industry- They campaign for change in the industry while raising public awareness.

  • A global revolution with aims towards ending human and environmental exploitation in the garment industry.