Registration for this event is now closed.

Homeland Security Research Symposium

The symposium on homeland security hosted by the Coles College of Business showcases quality research by both industry and academic experts on homeland security issues. This event is meant to facilitate discussions among peers on important research advancements in the homeland security domain, the current state of affairs and related future challenges and possible strategies to tackle them. It is also gives the opportunity to build partnerships and future research collaborations as researchers attempt to strategically address these challenges.

Beyond showcasing notable research and practice-oriented work in homeland security, we publish a special working paper series issue featuring Coles faculty work submitted to this event. The symposium features student research posters conducted under the mentorship of our faculty in related areas.

October 26, 2023
8:00am to 5:00pm

Prillaman Hall Indoor Plaza - HS 1001
Prillaman Hall - HS 1105

This is a by invitation only event.

Speakers Included

  • Jacob Cox ()


  • 8:00-8:45 Continental breakfast
  • 8:30-8:45 Introductions
  • 8:50-9:50 Plenary Session I – Speaker 1 ()
  • 9:50-11:10 Invited Session I – Speaker 2 (Jacob Cox ()), Speaker 3 ()
  • 11:10-11:30 Coffee Break
  • 11:30-12:50 Invited Session II – Speaker 4 (), Speaker 5 ()
  • 12:50-14:00 Lunch and Student Poster Session (demonstrating ongoing student research at ÎÞÂë±ä̬, cybersecurity ( and Maria Valero de Clemente))
  • 14:00-15:00 Plenary Session II – Speaker 6 ()
  • 15:00-15:20 Break (refreshments served)
  • 15:20-16:40 Invited Session III – Speaker 7 (), Speaker 8 ()
  • 16:40-17:00 Summary

RSVP for Research Symposium

Registration for this event is now closed.

Past Research Symposiums

    • 8:00-8:45 Continental breakfast (Prillaman Hall HS 1001)
    • 8:30-8:45 Introductions (Prillaman Hall HS 1001)
    • 8:50-9:50 Plenary Session I – Speaker 1 () (Prillaman Hall HS 1001)
    • 9:50-11:10 Invited Session I – Speaker 2 (, ) (Prillaman Hall HS 1001)
    • 11:10-11:30 Coffee Break (Prillaman Hall HS 1001)
    • 11:30-12:50 Invited Session II – Speaker 4 (), Speaker 5 () (Prillaman Hall HS 1105)
    • 12:50-14:00 Lunch and Student Poster Session (Student Research in Cybersecurity, Faculty Advisors: Hossain Shahriar, Maria Valero, and Liang Zhao) (Prillaman Hall HS 1001)
    • 14:00-15:00 Plenary Session II – Speaker 6 () (Prillaman Hall HS 1105)
    • 12:50-14:00 Lunch and Student Poster Session (Student Research in Cybersecurity, Faculty Advisors: Hossain Shahriar, Maria Valero, and Liang Zhao) (Prillaman Hall HS 1001)
    • 15:20-16:40 Invited Session III – Speaker 7 (), Speaker 8 () (Prillaman Hall HS 1105)
    • 16:40-17:00 Summary (Prillaman Hall HS 1001)


    Prillaman Hall Indoor Plaza - HS 1001
    Continental Breakfast
    Morning Break
    Lunch and Student Poster Session
    Afternoon Break
    Prillaman Hall - HS 1105
    All Plenary Sessions
    All Invited Sessions
    • 8:00-8:45 Continental breakfast (Prillaman Hall HS 1001)
    • 8:30-8:45 Introductions (Prillaman Hall HS 1001)
    • 8:50-9:50 Plenary Session I – Speaker 1 () (Prillaman Hall HS 1001)
    • 9:50-11:10 Invited Session I – Speaker 2 (, ) (Prillaman Hall HS 1001) 
    • 11:10-11:30 Coffee Break (Prillaman Hall HS 1001)
    • 11:30-12:50 Invited Session II – Speaker 4 (), Speaker 5 () (Prillaman Hall HS 1105)
    • 12:50-14:00 Lunch and Student Poster Session (Student Research in Conflict Management and Cybersecurity, Faculty Advisors: Hossain Shahriar, and ) (Prillaman Hall HS 1001) 
    • 14:00-15:00 Plenary Session II – Speaker 6 () (Prillaman Hall HS 1105)
    • 15:00-15:20 (refreshments served) (Prillaman Hall HS 1001)
    • 15:20-16:40 Invited Session III – Speaker 7 (), Speaker 8 () (Prillaman Hall HS 1105)
  • The second symposium on homeland security hosted by the Coles College of Business in partnership with the Bagwell Center for the Study of Markets and Economic Opportunity was held on Oct 10, 2019.

    • 8:00-8:45 Continental breakfast
    • 8:50-9:50 Plenary Session I – Speaker 1 ()
    • 9:50-11:10 Invited Session I – Speaker 2 (), Speaker 3 ()
    • 11:10-11:30 Coffee Break
    • 11:30-12:50 Invited Session II – Speaker 4 (), Speaker 5 ()
    • 12:50-14:00 Lunch and Student Poster Session (Student Research in Conflict Management and Cybersecurity, Faculty Mentors: Hossain Shahriar, , and Marcus Marktanner)
    • 14:00-15:00 Plenary Session II – Speaker 6 ()
    • 15:00-15:20 Break (refreshments served)
    • 15:20-16:40 Invited Session III – Speaker 7 (), Speaker 8 ()
    • 16:40-17:00 Summary


    Prillaman Hall Indoor Plaza - HS 1001
    Continental Breakfast
    Morning Break
    Lunch and Student Poster Session
    Afternoon Break
    Prillaman Hall - HS 1105
    All Plenary Sessions
    All Invited Sessions
  • The first one-day research symposium hosted by the Coles College of Business was held on Oct 11.

    • 8:00-8:45: Continental breakfast 
    • 8:30-8:45: Introductions
    • 8:50-9:40: Plenary Session I – Speaker 1 ()
    • 9:40-11:00: Invited Session I – Speaker 2 (), Speaker 3 ()
    • 11:00-11:20: Coffee Break
    • 11:20-12:40: Invited Session II – Speaker 4 (), Speaker 5 ()
    • 12:40-14:10: Lunch and Student Poster Session (Student Research in Conflict Management and Cybersecurity, Faculty Mentors: , , Hossain Shahriar and )
    • 14:10-15:00: Plenary Session II – Speaker 6 ()
    • 15:00-15:15: Break (refreshments served)
    • 15:15-16:35: Invited Session III – Speaker 7 (), Speaker 8 ()
    • 16:40-17:00: Summary




    Prillaman Hall Indoor Plaza - HS 1001
    Continental Breakfast
    Morning Break
    Lunch and Student Poster Session
    Afternoon Break
    Prillaman Hall - HS 1105
    All Plenary Sessions
    All Invited Sessions